Online Courses

Meet Danielle Mansfield

Your Ascension Guide
Channeler and Spiritual Medium that has brought forth the creation of How to Heal



If you have found yourself here, perhaps you are feeling a deep yearning for greater connection, change and purpose in your life and a desire for more fulfilment, flow and abundance. Perhaps you are feeling the need to upgrade your energy and your life by moving through emotional blocks and limitations. Or, you might be sensing an awakening stirring within you, an inner calling to take your life in a whole new direction, but you’re unsure of what to do next or where to go to answer this inner call.

Do you want to connect to the wisdom of your Soul?

I’m Danielle Mansfield and my life mission is to align you with your greatest gifts and anchor you to your Higher Purpose. I am a Shamanic Practitioner, Channeler, Medium, Akashi Records Healer, Holistic Energy Practitioner and a Spiritual Awakening and Transformation Coach.
I bring forth to you the very powerful creation of How to Heal.

Are you ready to reach higher states of Consciousness?

It is my greatest honor to be a guide on your Ascension journey and to raise your vibration and consciousness to new and greater heights so that you may transform your world and the world around you.

I hear it all the time my loves

  • “I’m so excited and ready for the next step in my life, I’m ready to transform my life and remember my life purpose …”
  • “I’m stuck and it feels like something’s blocking me, but I know I have a higher mission and I’m super ready to start. I just don’t know where to begin…”
  • “I see people manifesting on a daily basis, but I don’t know how to make it work for me…”
  • “I feel exhausted, fatigued and run down with my current life…”
  • “I fear that I’m going to be judged, which makes it so much harder to speak my truth…”
  • “I’m afraid that if I follow my passion, I won’t have the money to pay my bills… but yet I have a calling and I know I need to follow it…”
  • “I’m an empath, I feel everyone’s pain and I’m exhausted by the negative energy…”
  • “I’ve always felt different from other people and I know there is something missing from my life …”

At the same time you also…

  • Long for deep, meaningful and loving relationships
  • Want to tap into your intuition and inner wisdom, and finally make that big change in your life
  • Desire to live in total alignment as a fully expressed version of yourself
  • Have a deep connection and passion to live your life in your fullest expression
  • Want to feel free, in flow, living in ease, and confidently speak your truth without all the voices and self-doubt

I’ve worked with thousands of men and women who have experienced these same things and I’ve helped them to connect with their higher purpose and most authentic self – which allowed them to connect with and embrace their Higher Self, become Light Leaders, healers and embrace their soul’s mission.

The truth is…

You incarnated on Earth with a purpose and with unique soul gifts so you can provide a unique magical way of healing the world – and the only thing stopping you is that you don’t know how to turn that power on.

It’s time to power up, my love.

You have been lead here for a reason.
Many of us have been taught to doubt ourselves, not speak our truth, and stay quiet for fear of judgment.
So we play small and live life holding our full self back.

…But what if today you made the choice to fully experience your divine gifts?

What if instead of…

Living in heavy, negative energy →
Hard work and struggle →
A lack of direction or clarity →
Living in Fear of change  →

You trade it for…

The magic of high-vibe 5D
Ease and intuitive guidance
Serving your higher mission
Living from knowing, love and trust

It’s time to remember how powerful you are as you are more powerful than you could ever realize!

The good news is…
You can easily and effortlessly create the life you have dreamed of, right now, for free…

There is no catch! Just our love and mission to help you, to guide you, to love you and to support you on your journey of healing. You were born with the power to heal and not to suffer.

Doesn’t that feel so much lighter when you think about it?

I’m going to guide you on the most life transformational journey you could ever imagine. How to Heal is a life changing program that has been fully channeled by my divine team of Light to activate and ignite your soul and significantly enhance your ascension. It is a message that has been gifted to us by the higher frequencies of light, to help us, the humanity, heal and raise our vibration.

Welcome to How to Heal by Danielle Mansfield

In the How To Heal Institute, I will lovingly take your hand and help you remember who you are and show you how to activate your unique gifts and psychic powers! You will tap into your true self, become a master manifestor, receive divine guidance, and discover and serve your soul’s true purpose.

Each module I channeled has been created with activations from higher realms, so you can raise your vibration, ascend to higher states of consciousness (5D), and experience magic in your everyday life – you know, the bliss and abundance, purpose and passion you’ve been ready for! I’ve guided thousands of people on their healing journey to thriving and life changing transformations. You won’t find this stuff online or in the top levels of education!

Each Module builds on one another and as you move through them, you ascend and unlock essential parts of yourself that will completely align everything in your life.